move better

feel better

Myotherapists are highly trained individuals who graduate with a Bachelor degree after completing four years of study at University. This enables Myotherapists to have a greater understanding of the human body, anatomy and physiology when compared to a remedial massage therapist.

Myotherapists have extensive knowledge of the musculoskeletal system. The aim when treating and assessing an individual is to trace any pain, complaint or discomfort as far back as possible to the original cause. The goal is to heal both the cause of the concern, as well as the symptoms the patient presents with.

Myotherapists have the skills to assess and treat muscles, joints and nerves using a variety of treatment modalities including:


  • Soft tissue manipulation improves the mobility of stiff and immobile soft tissues due to tension. It also mobilises scar tissue, which helps prevent long term flare ups of inflammation.

  • Trigger point therapy is where direct pressure is applied to specific points on muscles that are tender to help reduce muscle tension and pain.

  • Myofascial stretching treats muscle immobility and pain by relaxing contracted muscles, improving blood and lymphatic circulation, and stimulating the stretch reflex in muscles.

  • Joint mobilisation involves passive gliding of joints to improve movement and normalise joint function.

  • Dry needling is a treatment technique that uses small, filament type needles to release tight muscles, reduce muscle pain and improve function.

  • This is a taping technique designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process. It provides support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting movement. It also helps prolong the soft tissue manipulation benefits gained during a treatment session.

  • Rehabilitation exercises help you regain full function by restoring strength, flexibility, endurance and power.

  • Myofascial cupping is a soft tissue therapy that involves the application of decompressed cups on the skin, creating a vacuum effect that lifts up underlying tissues such as the fascia (connective tissue) and muscles, blood and other fluid, close to the surface of the skin. Myofascial cupping is typically applied on the back, shoulder, neck, sacrum, hip, abdomen, legs and arms.


At Physiotas we aim to be an industry-leading network of health practitioners throughout Tasmania, by providing the community with high-quality, patient-centered care through innovation, collaboration and education.  We will provide a supportive working environment that is rewarding and encourages opportunities for growth and development.


Physiotas exists to impact the whole community by empowering them to move better and feel better.

